Before the twentieth century, evening bags or reticules were seldom used — what with wielding fans, bouquets and dance programs it would have been difficult. Though make-up was, if not the rule, at least a very frequent expectation, it was certainly not done to repair one’s face anywhere but in the privacy of a bedroom, and there was therefore little need of a case to carry powder and lip rouge. But as soon as making-up was no longer supposed to be secret, and running repairs were considered necessary during the course of an evening, then, of course, a suitable container became a matter of importance. Eventually identifying the maker mark as that of Mandalian Manufacturing Company North Attleboro, Massachusetts, I was able to discover a bit more. Sahatiel G. Mandalian worked with at least two partners (Casper and Mandalian , then Mandalian & Hawkins; first producing jewelry and novelties, then mesh bags) prior to 1915, but it wasn’t until 1915 that the Mandalian name was incorporated on its own and so I would imagine the trademark was assigned at or after that date.

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